Ny dikt ! :)
All this time I've been searching for someone like you
Someone far away, someone to love and worship
But now I've realized that that person is you
And that person is right here
And not on the other side of the world
You've found the key to my heart
That key that will unlock every piece of happiness
The happiness that will slip out
And make me enjoy every moment with you
Make me smile more than ever
And laugh even more
You are that half my life need
That half I've been missing every second of my life
But now you're here, here to make my smile
That smile you've been giving me for a while
That smile I've not realized what it meant
But now I do, and I just hope you feel the same
Inlägg pfft ! Vafan e de ?
You've made tiny butterflies in my stomach So I've given you my heart Treat it well, treat it like I know you'd treat me And I know you do These few days I've never been happier I've never smiled like you make me smile I've never felt better when I do those times I'm around you Those times you are holding me tight Tight like you'll never let go If you'd ask me what's on my mind The answer would always be you You would always be on my mind As long as you'll treat me well As well as I treat you Life is not always perfect So you'll have to make the best of it While you have the time So I do ! And that time I chose to spend with you Now listen closely You are all that I've got All that my heart wants The only one that I want to spend time with So I'm telling you now: My heart is forever yours
Underbar dag !
Men väx upp
Direkt från hjärtat
My love for you is strong
And it will always be
But I've started to doubt
Doubt that your love is for real
That you are for real
And that your heart is for me
All I just want is for you to show me
How much you really love me
I've never in the first place
Understood how someone like you
Can love someone like me ?
You are my all and I would
Never like to lose you
But please just show me the
Truth so I can stop having
Any doubts<3
Skriven på fyra minuter och kommer direkt från hjärtat !
Jag älskar dig så det gör ont ! = ,(<3
Alla hjärtans dag - Bara skit !
Saknat mig ? ;D
Hold me tight and never let me go
You are the only thing that matters
And when I see your face my day get's lit up
You're the one who keeps my hopes up
Keeps my smile getting bigger and
My heart beat twice
Ny dikt !!
For the first time I'm actually in love
In love with someone like you
Someone I can depend on and care about
I've never felt this way about anyone
But now I do, and it feels great
There's no quiet moment when I'm not
Thinking about you
You are the one thing that crushes my
Mind every minute
You have given me happiness that
No one has given me before
A smile on my face when I'm sad
And a laugh when everything is bad<3
Omgjort !
As I climb up the mountains I think of us
As I climb up the letter I think of us
I'm almost falling but I won't
I won't miss the chance to see you
And I'll fight until every little piece of me is missing
When I think of your eyes I see us
Nothing else that pure love
As pure as your heart
And as true as you
This day will make me believe in something
It will make me happy
And you're the reason why I'm fighting up this mountain
Why my hands are bleeding and why I'm crying
But it doesn't matter, I'll see you
Even if it means I'll die.. I'll see you
Pirre xD
- Äldreomsorgen – 31 platser - aktiviteter med de boende, utevistelse, hjälp vid måltider m.m.
- Handikappomsorgen – 16 platser - aktiviteter med de boende, utevistelse, hjälp vid måltider m.m.
- Bibliotek – 2 platser – sortering av böcker m.m.
- Förskola/fritidshem – 36 platser – Delta i dagliga rutiner och aktiviteter på förskola och fritidshem
- Miljökontoret – 2 platser - allmänna kontorssysslor
- Kommunledningskontoret – 3 platser - allmänna kontorssysslor
- Fastighetsskötsel – 8 platser – trädgårdsarbete, städning, tvättning och enklare målning och snickeriarbete
- Kulturskolan – 8 platser - gatumusikant, spela instrument, sjunga och dansa på äldreboende m.m. Här kräver vi att ni spelar något instrument och är aktiva inom musik så du kan delta i ett litet band. Dessa platser kommer inte lottas ut.
Nu vill hon veta också mohahahaha xD jag har roligt hihihi
You've taken my heart.
You've also taken my soul and
my consciousness.
All that you left me with was pain.
Pain of love and loneliness.
Pain I'll feel for the rest of my life.
The beautiful butterflies in my stomach
is now gone, has left me forever.
With no heart and no soul I can
no longer feel my self.
So what's left of me now ?
Only my body that I don't want.
So you can have it all.....